by boxfreeminds | Sep 1, 2016 | Blog, Educating, Empowerment, Event, Financial Empowerment, Life Balance, Workshop

Box Free Breakthroughs For A New Career and Life
Our cornerstone event is happening
October 15, 2016!
9 am – 12 pm
Waddell & Reed Financial Services
7001 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 2035
Scottsdale, AZ 85223
What would happen if you had no fear? Box Free Minds is about releasing fear, assumptions and blocks so that your thoughts can become Box Free! Pamela Heward, Founder and Certified Career Transition Coach, employs learning strategies, techniques, technical basics, insights and much more to help you do the “work before the work” – you will gain a higher level of confidence in who you are, identify where your passions lie, and present yourself to employers with clarity and strength. Before your resume, before your job search and before you go on a single interview – THIS is your critical “work before the work”!
As a Certified Transition Coach, Pam has helped over 2,500 clients find their passion and take their career and lives to the next level. Please join Pam for this interactive workshop that will challenge your thinking and help you reconnect with the infinite possibilities within you! You will learn the 8 Mind Shifts for Box Free Thinking and how to create a new path and a new career based on what you truly want – and what it takes to achieve it.
The “work before the work” is the foundation for achieving your professional goals, whether it is finding a new job, career or starting a new business. Through this interactive, fun experience, Pam will help you:
- Identify what you love and what you are good at
- Be the business owner/entrepreneur that you’ve always known you can be
- Or become a “stand out” candidate in any situation: interviews, networking, social media profiles
- Show you how taking the time to shift your approach to your career will clarify your job search journey and get you the career and life you love!
- Meet others and connect, share, support and collaborate
The strategies used are the culmination of years of experience helping others to achieve lasting fulfillment. Don’t waste another moment living someone else’s idea of a “successful” life. Learn how to make profound changes in your life AND receive a FREE 30 minute personal coaching session with Pam valued at $75.00.
Plan to share, brainstorm, and uncover what is possible when you chip away at what blocks you from having a career and life you love.
We hope to see you there!
(Pssst – Want to save up to $20.00 on registration? Join us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn – we will be sharing discount codes over the next few weeks!)
Questions, call Pam at 602-821-3966
Register Today to Reserve Your Seat!
by boxfreeminds | Sep 1, 2016 | Blog, Educating, Event, Financial Empowerment, Press/Media Room, Workshop
– Free Event –
September 27, 2016

Registration is required – so don’t wait!
Register Now
On September 27, 2016, Pam Heward of Box Free Minds will be the featured speaker at the Career Connectors event in Gilbert, AZ. She will present the importance of doing the “Work before the Work” – doing the things that will set the foundation for achieving your professional goals, whether it is finding a new job, career or starting a new business. This is an interactive, fun experience.
You will take the first steps to:
- Identify what you love and what you are good at.
- Become a “stand out” candidate in any situation: interviews, networking, social media profiles
- Shift your approach to your career and begin to clarify your job search journey and get you the career and life you love!
- Meet others and connect, share, support and collaborate.

Career Connectors is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to connecting professionals in career transition to hiring companies and quality resources. They are primarily event driven and connect people and resources at events. They bring in professional career speakers to deliver content that is relevant and actionable to current professionals. They also bring in two – three hiring companies per event. You will hear these company representatives speak and then get one-on-one face time to talk about their company, culture and open positions. The last hour is dedicated to providing you services and networking time to talk directly to all the speakers. Free professional services include resume review/critique, business portraits, social media / LinkedIn coaching and educational opportunities.
Don’t forget to register – space is limited!
Register Now
by boxfreeminds | Mar 28, 2016 | Blog, Educating, Empowerment, Inspiring, Life Balance, Uncategorized
(A note from Pam Heward: I knew Brii was special the moment I met her. She radiates warmth, beauty, and intuitiveness. Over the past few years she has shared her dreams and challenges with me and, every time, I say to her “you need to share this with others!” She is a gifted writer and her insights into human behavior are amazing. Luckily for all of us she agreed to share – so please read, enjoy and comment. Thank you!)

Brii Ravelo
The ability to take risks is directly connected to the ability to succeed, and ultimately create a life that makes you truly happy. Of course, there are many other pieces to that age-old puzzle, but none of them can fall into place without that first action step – that leap into the unknown. No matter who you are, there is only ever one reason that any of us hesitate to take the risk: FEAR.
Yep. I said the “f” word.
I want to talk about fear because it is sneaky. It lurks in the shadows as you rationalize 1,000 reasons why you can’t quit your secure job or start your dream business. Fear oozes through the cracks of all the excuses you’ve made for not asking your boss for the promotion or the raise. It creeps around, arm in arm with your Gremlin Voice, poking holes in your big ideas and most sacred dreams. Fear often comes in evasive packaging – disguised as practicality, sensibility, caution, security, rationality, stability, and many other names that are not only socially acceptable, but are often encouraged.
It is high time that this type of fear be dragged out into the light and seen for the culprit that it truly is. It is so easy to allow these fear based thoughts and feelings to direct our most critical career and life decisions. As a matter of fact, I just caught the little monster this week, gremlin and all, chipping away at my confidence as a writer. It crept up on me slowly and I almost didn’t notice until it was too late. Editing delays, content delays, even technical delays (i.e.: computer problems… give me a break!). In the end, I realized that as I continue to pursue that which truly has meaning in my life, I will continue to encounter choices that my subconscious will perceive as “Risky”. It’s just the way I’m wired.
I also discovered that this particular fear (the one that keeps us snuggly and warm in our comfort zone, the one that doesn’t want us to really go for it) is kind of a wimp. Once you expose it and call its bluff, you will send it running for cover – leaving in its wake, YOU. And your true strength. It can be exhilarating! And it can give you the power to push forward, through any obstacle.
Sometimes, just knowing that it will be worth it in the end is all the reason you need to begin.
All risks turn out for the better. It may not be the best for you, but it will be the best for someone else. Always take risks. You’re only here because of the risks someone else took.” — Amanda, 9 years old (adopted at birth)
by boxfreeminds | Mar 21, 2016 | Box Free Television, Box Free Thinking, Educating, Empowerment, Inspiring, Podcasts, Radio Show

Doing the “Work Before The Work” and Finding Your Dream Career – Podcast
What a great show with Mark Lewis and The Empowerment Team. We talked about how to find your Dream Career and how doing the “work before the work” is where you begin.
- Joanne joined us and shared her personal story of landing her dream job after attending one of my workshops – very inspiring!
- We touched on how to deal with those negative and limiting thoughts in your head.
- We also answered the ominous question so many career transitioners have: “Now what am I going to do?”
Making a career change is a moment of opportunity! Discover this whole new approach to Career Transition.
Take a listen to this show and discover why now is the time to approach your career in a whole new way.
Grab a cup of coffee and click here to listen – look for the show on the dropdown list on the podcast!
I’d like to thank Mark Lewis of The Empowerment Team for having us. Mark is a delightful, masterful host, fun to listen to and empowering to us all!!
by boxfreeminds | Mar 8, 2016 | Blog, Box Free Thinking, Educating, Empowerment, Inspiring, Life Balance, Uncategorized

As a Career Transition Coach, I work with job seekers (employed and unemployed) who are looking for advice to land their perfect career. Though my approach includes a personalized and focused plan for each client based on their individual goals and attributes, I’ve also realized that there are some distinct pieces of advice that seem to ring true for every client – no matter the situation. I’ve decided to publish them here! Which one will help you the most?
My 8 Best Pieces of Advice

First and probably most important- Our sense of who we are precedes us in any encounter (interview, networking, written communication). Do not downplay or dismiss this.

Taking the time to examine what is on and in our mind will make all the difference in how we show up and how others receive us.

No one achieves success in a vacuum. If you want to succeed in your career or business, making connections and collaborating are essential.

You must continuously challenge your thinking, assumptions, and perceptions. The best way to know when it is time to do this is when you find that you are doubting yourself or feeling stuck.
Don’t underestimate the importance of follow through. I receive feedback from clients and hiring managers that the fact that someone did what they promised to do was a pleasant surprise and impacted their decision to hire potential candidates or work for potential employers.

If you feel stuck in your own “box” remember that you constructed your box and you can de-construct it!

It takes courage to proclaim your true passion and dreams to yourself and others. Not everyone will accept or agree with what you want to do and will have strong opinions about what you “should” be doing. Have the courage to embrace your new identity and let what others think be their business.

Finally, don’t assume you’ve heard this already. We all need a mind reboot from time to time.
The most important work you can do is the “Work Before The Work” – before you write your resume or set up interviews. You can kick start your new mind and reinvigorate yourself to be truly ready to do the work to discover your passion and begin a new chapter in your personal and professional life. This is why I built my workshop – Box Free Breakthroughs for a New Life and Mind. It’s time to reboot!!
P.S. – Remember, one other benefit of getting back to what makes YOU happy and motivated is that you will begin to naturally see what is interesting and inspiring in others. THIS can make life more colorful and full in ways that you may be missing today!